PRO CUP CHALLENGE - muscle car and the PRO Logo PRO CUP CHALLENGE - muscle car and the PRO Logo



Application are now open!


Contact PRO Council Director Denise Waddingham at if you are interested.

The PRO Cup Challenge encourages customization of new-model vehicles and raises the awareness of vehicle accessorizing to the general public. It also encourages dealers to work with restylers to offer accessory packages, as a means for increasing sales and profits.

Restylers are invited to enter a package for a popular new-model vehicle that would take less than 40 hours to execute and cost no more than $12,500. Packages are judged on their mass appeal, ease to replicate, and potential profitability. Six entries will be selected to compete at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, where a winner will be named for the best package. All entries are featured in SEMA publications and may receive additional coverage from outside media.

  • Showcase your talents and skills, and connect personally with thousands of industry professionals, at the world-renown SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Chance to become an award-winning restyler
  • Have your build and company featured in SEMA print and digital publications, SEMA Show promotion, and SEMA social media
  • Invaluable networking and recognition opportunities at SEMA Show PRO Events

Restylers can pick any common vehicle as the base, then create and install a package of accessories designed to be attractive to a mass audience. The goal is to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible. The main driver of this program is to show fellow restylers, dealers and accessory manufacturers the value of designing a marketable package rather than a "one-time" vehicle.

Eight restylers will be selected to compete, and will receive:

  • Designated exhibit space in the West Hall at the SEMA Show
  • Vehicle detailing while at the SEMA Show
  • Social media presence during and after the SEMA Show
    • PRO's Facebook reach is over one million
    • PRO's Instagram engages with 84,000+

The vehicle parameters must include the following:

  • Select a common vehicle and install a package of accessories designed to be attractive to a wide range of vehicle buyers that is easily repeatable and profitable for both the Restyler and the dealer.
  • Maximum labor hours of 40 hours per package installed
  • Wholesale cost no more than $12,500 to the dealer
  • Must be present at the 2024 SEMA Show to discuss builds in the PRO Cup Challenge Booth and PRO Happy Hour.
  • Vehicle detailing while at the SEMA Show

All eight competitors will have their vehicles displayed at the SEMA Show and featured in SEMA publications. Two awards will be presented during the SEMA Show.

SEMA PRO Cup Challenge Winner: A committee of judges will evaluate and select the best package based on marketability of the build, ease of reproduction, creativity and profitability. The winner will be announced during the SEMA Show PRO Booth Happy Hour along with a Q&A with all the competitors.

SEMA PRO Cup Challenge People's Choice Award: SEMA Show attendees will vote for their favorite build at the PRO booth. The Fan Favorite will be announced during the SEMA Show PRO Booth Happy Hour.


The SEMA Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) is dedicated exclusively to addressing your needs and building awareness of the benefits of vehicle accessorization. In today's ever-changing market, it is critical that companies involved in vehicle accessorization have a means to address and speak out through a unified voice in issues that influence and impact the restyling industry. PRO is that influential voice.

Join PRO


Headshot of Denise Waddingham - PRO Director

Denise Waddingham
